About Us
Liberty Hill AME Zion is committed to reaching the lost, leading souls to Christ, and making disciples. We are devoted to expanding the Kingdom of God through outreach and evangelism. We seek to exemplify the love of Christ in all that we do and to all we encounter. We strive to study and grow in God’s Word, as it is our faith foundation. We endeavor to train and equip the next generation.
Our Mission
Our Motto
Now the Lord, is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
II Corinthians 3:17
Our Ministries
Board of Trustees
Deaconess Board
Steward Board
Stewardess Board
Sunday School
Christian Education Department
Ministry of Kindness
Men of Zion
Lay Council
Usher Board
Boosters' Support
Evangelism & Outreach
LH Kidz
Senior Care
Sound & Media