Rev. Lawrence Ganzy, Jr. is a native of Gibson, North Carolina, born to Lawrence and Angela
Ganzy, Sr. He accepted Christ at an early age and received his faith formation through the
teachings of his parents and maternal grandmother. Rev. Ganzy served his home church, Green
Lake AME Zion in Gibson, North Carolina, throughout his childhood as a member of the Youth
Choir, Acolyte, Usher, Sunday School Secretary/Treasurer, and Praise and Worship Leader.
Additionally, he served in various positions on the Rockingham District and Southeastern
Region Varick International Christian Youth Council. He also had the opportunity to serve as the
Rockingham District Youth Lay Council President for several years.
Rev. Ganzy graduated in 2014 from Scotland Early College High School with a High School
Diploma and Richmond Community College with an Associate of Arts Degree. He completed
undergraduate studies in 2016 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he
studied Political Science, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He is currently pursuing
a Master of Divinity Degree at Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, North Carolina.
Rev. Ganzy entered the preaching ministry and delivered his Trial Sermon on August 10, 2014,
under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Deborah M. Chambers. He was admitted on trial into the
West Central North Carolina Annual Conference, Piedmont Episcopal District May 2016. Later
that year, Rev. Ganzy was transferred to the Palmetto Annual Conference, South Atlantic
Episcopal District. On September 22, 2018, Rev. Ganzy was ordained a Deacon and Elder in the
life of the AME Zion Church by the late Bishop Mildred B. Hines. Rev. Ganzy was appointed as
Pastor of Liberty Hill AME Zion, October 2021.
Rev. Ganzy has an inveterate passion for working with youth and helping them discover their
life pathway and purpose. In addition, he has served in various roles in secondary and post-
secondary education including College Adviser, Admissions Officer, and Student Success Coach.
Rev. Ganzy lives by the motto, “where you come from does not determine where you can go.”
He believes the sky is the limit and with God all things are possible!